Sample Tex Files (1)
Here we include more sample Tex Files for reference!
The Product
The Source Code
\title{\textbf{A Brief Introduction to this Website}}
Henry Yip
\item This is a self-initiated project by Henry Yip. Feel free to send me any corrections.
\item Provide a platform across science majors (or any majors) to share their ideas, which will be centrally promoted in different platforms.
\item We will use Jekyll to create the website. Please check \href{}{the official documentation} for details
\item Optionally, we can include a Youtube Channel and insert videos in our websites
\item After that, we can promote our website through a number of ways:
\item Word of Mouth (Most Specific)
\item LinkedIN \footnote{I obviously recommend everyone to use LinkedIN. So the promotion can be more effective!} (Relatively More Specific)
\item Other Social Medias (Less Specific)
\section{Logistical Details}
\item Everyone \text{PLEASE} help me find at least 1 more group member
\item Please note that the content you post can be anything and \textbf{need not be very academic!}
\item We need to select a Jekyll Theme. Please click \href{}{here} for details and tell me your preferences.
\item We may need to create a name and a logo. I personally prefer a flashy name. Any suggestion is appreciated!
\item Update: I created one but it looks shitty. Please suggest recommendations!
\item For our YouTube Videos \footnote{If we decide to make this, that is} we may even need an animation. From 3b1b's \footnote{Check his videos if you haven't!}animation tool, Manim, I have successfully created some working animations, but it is not ideal for making lengthy videos, but a short animation should be feasible.
\item We can publish the work on GitHub also.
\section{Work details}
\item Preferably, I want people to fork my repository in GitHub and edit it through Markdown. However, I've realized it's unrealistic and therefore, you can submit documents to me through Word/anything and include the pictures/math equations/ anything elsewhere
\item I need to know what each of you are working on. You guys can team up if you like and create some collaborative documents. \textbf{Please refer to copyright restrictions}.
\item Please remember that the content need not be too academic. You can explore other interests. For example, I will very likely work on Atmospheric Science and Chess instead of Physics
\item For people working on Maths, please use \href{}{KaTeX} commands(Yes, we ditch Mathjax!) If you can, send me LaTeX codes so I can make beautiful equations like:
\item Please send me your self introduction so I can include it in the website, it can be your interest, or anything you want to say
\item If you want to share your social medias, please send me the url, so I can create some icons