1 minute read

Here I will present the exact solution of the two body problem.

Definition of terms

First we define the center of mass coordinate, \(R\):

\[\underline{R}=\frac{m_1 \underline{r_1}+m_2 \underline{r_2}}{m_1+m_2}\]

As \(m_1\) and \(m_2\) are invariant, we can express \(P\), the total momentum, in terms of \(\dot{R}\):


How does the center of mass move?

As total momentum is conserved, we have (in scalars) \(\dot{R}=\frac{P}{m_1+m_2}\).

Hence, we have

\[\underline{R}(t)=\underline{R}(0)+\frac{\underline{P}}{m_1+m_2} t.\]

Therefore Center-of-Mass is always on a straight line with constant velocity!

Solving the System

Now we assume the two bodies interact via some conservative force that depends on the relative coordinate \(\mathbf{r} = \mathbf{r_1} - \mathbf{r_2}\), namely \(V = V(\mathbf{r_1} - \mathbf{r_2})\).

By putting into the expression of \(\underline{R}\), we obtain:

\[\underline{r}_1=\underline{R}+\frac{m_2}{m_1+m_2} \underline{r}\]

Further differentiating yields:


Hence we have:

\[\frac{m_1 m_2}{m_1+m_2} {\underline{\ddot{r}}}=m_1 {\underline{\ddot{r}}}_1=-\underline{\nabla}_1 V\left(\underline{r}_1-\underline{r}_2\right)=-\underline{\nabla} V(\underline{r})\]

Leading to:

\[m {\underline{\ddot{r}}}=-\underline{\nabla} V(\underline{r})\]


\[m \equiv \frac{m_1 m_2}{m_1+m_2}\]

is named the reduced mass. Note that it can be written as:


Concluding Remarks

N-body problem is one of the most important problems in physics! (as bodies can be particles, planets, anything!) I will do a supervised project (Summer 2024) with Dr Jenni Smillie, focusing on three-body gravitational problems. To know more about my research progress, please press the “Research” tag below!

Exercises for the Reader

  • From \(\dot{R}=\frac{P}{m_1+m_2}\), show that \(\underline{R}(t)=\underline{R}(0)+\frac{\underline{P}}{m_1+m_2} t\). (Difficulty: F4-5 HKDSE)
  • Give the definition for \(\nabla\). Explain the difference between \(\nabla\) and \(\nabla_1\). (Difficulty: University Year 1-2)
  • What is the form of the reduced mass similar to? (Hint: in circuits) (Difficulty: F5 HKDSE)
  • Show that two-body motion is planar (Difficulty: University Year 1-2)

Last Updated - 3/6/2024

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